Sugoi Sashimi Soy Sauce 200ml / スゴイ しょうゆ 200ml
Sugoi 200ml
Sashimi is a Japanese dish made from fresh, raw fish and shellfish cut into thin slices.Sashimi soy sauce is mainly used to flavor dishes without the color, but also without much desire to change the taste of the dish.
Sashimi soy sauce is used as a dipping sauce for sashimi and sushi.Tip: add a tad of wasabi in the soy sauce.It gives a particularly sharp and hint of sweet taste sensation.
Sojasuas (Soja, Tarwe, Zout), Suiker, Azijnzuur, Smaakversterker (E627, E631).
Nutritional Information
- Per 100g
- Calories 318 kcal/ 1330 kJ
- Fats 0g
- Carbohydrates 14.9g
- Sugars 14.9g
- Fiber 0g
- Protein 3.8g